XLIX today. I want to count more! By Idris Katib - THE BUSINESS PACKAGE


Wednesday, February 24, 2021

XLIX today. I want to count more! By Idris Katib

Our time is not resting, always counting. From the second through the minute, hour, day, night to the week and month, the time is ticking fast.ALWAYS BUSY. ALWAYS COUNTING. But who is counting? A pregnant question!

I do not know Jane Keeper but her idea on human existence especially with the rhetorical question regarding counting, as portrayed above, clicks with mine. It should resonate with all discerning minds too, I suppose.

We are informed that a thousand years of existence of a human being is just an equivalent of a day in the estimation of the Creator of all existence. An equivalent of what that is in seconds and minutes will disparage human existence. An atheist is entitled to their dissenting opinion but believers in the existence of the Almighty, the Omniscient, the Omnipotent, the Omnipresent will appreciate the cord between the Creator of time and what has been created: the ephemeral life.

Now, twenty five million seven hundred and fifty-four thousand four hundred minutes, an equivalent of 17, 885 days or 2, 548 weeks or 588 months have been exhausted by yours sincerely on this surface called the earth.Is this a milestone? This should be answered in the number of other lives yours truly has positively impacted. How many variables left, only the Uncreated Creator is in the know while all that one has tarried is not up to a morning of His reckoning.

Tick, tick counts the time. As our time, the nature, keeps counting so also does our existence from conception through birth to the old age.

Let us continue counting, till we count no more.I thank my constituency, the media, for this chronicle.

Thank you, oh Lord. Happy 49th birthday to me.

* Idris Katib was born yesterday; a day before, he never existed...he can be reached via +2348096629914

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