
Friday, February 16, 2024


The Mass Communication Studios of the D. S Adegbenro ICT Polytechnic, Itori-Ewekoro, Ogun State have been described as the best in the South West; and among the most sophisticated in the country. 

The representative of the Mass Communication Division of the National Board for Technical Education (NBTE), Mallam Garba Dansabe stated this on Wednesday while congratulating the Institution for her huge investment in the studios, during the  exit briefing of the Board's accreditation visit to the Polytechnic. Dansabe said: "I personally have never seen such state- of-the arts studio equipment in any other Institution at resource inspection stage. I am very, very impressed." He added that the studios will go a long way in assisting the students to appreciate graphic displays in their various specializations of journalism. 

In his remarks at the event, the Chairman of the Institution's Governing Council, Ambassador Toye Okanlawon attributed the success of the visit to the enduring power of the Almighty God, as well as inspiration and encouragement by the the Ogun State Governor, Prince Dapo Abiodun. Okanlawon added that the Mass Communication Complex will be named after the late father of our amiable governor, Pa Emmanuel Adesanya Abiodun alias Baba Teacher. 

Amb. Okanlawon stated that it was a huge task that made him become apprehensive initially. He stated that when the NBTE gave  the Institution barely three weeks to prepare for the accreditation exercise, it appeared like an immovable mountain. He said. "please permit me to register my profound appreciation for our amiable and amazing Governor, Prince (Dr) Dapo Abiodun con, for his persistent exhortation and encouragement. Throughout the process of building and equipping the studios, he never let us down. I also like to thank the Polytechnic Council members for their wisdom and understanding. He noted that  none of all these would have been possible without the commitment and unflinching support of the Council members .  Most important, we appreciate the Almighty God for coming through for us"

The NBTE Director of Academic programmes, Architect Ogoh at the event emphasized the importance of practicals in the Polytechnic curriculum. He noted that the Polytechnic’s huge investment in the Mass Communication studios as well as other laboratories in the Institution were worthwhile because practicals are actually the distinguishing feature of Polytechnic education.

Also speaking at the ceremony, a member of the Governing Council, Chief Mufutau Ajibola urged the NBTE to continue to work hand in hand with the Polytechnic, having in mind that "our common goal is to graduate students that will contribute positively to the Nation's human capital development. Chief Ajibola also advised students and youths to shun bribery and other social vices capable of tarnishing their good names". 

The Rector of the Institution, Dr Goke Rauf at the event assured  the NBTE that D. S Adegbenro ICT Polytechnic was committed to a flawless implementation of the Board's policies in order to ensure quality service delivery for all stakeholders.

Yinka Adegbite
Head, Public Relations

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