Happiness means many things to many people. To some, happiness is a feeling; to others, an emotion, a moment, a myth, or even a mirage.
As I grew older, I began to realize that happiness was more like a mirage. It's always fleeting; just when you think you've stumbled upon it, it slowly slips away from your grasp.
Does that mean we will never be happy? No, I think it just means we won't be happy all day, every day. There will be times when we feel happiness, but it will only truly last for a brief moment—because life is like that.
But there is a way we can reduce the agony between each chase. It is simple yet profound: all we need to do is accept that every part of our life cannot be perfect at the same time. Instead of trying to fight reality, we should learn to embrace it, taking it one step at a time.
Life is really just a series of ongoing battles that will only end when we draw our last breaths. As we fight these battles, we will win some and lose some, but that’s life. Moving forward, we must realize that happiness doesn't lie in the absence of problems but in the acceptance of their inevitable arrival. This acceptance, coupled with our steady attempts to overcome obstacles as they come our way, is a huge step in our pursuit.
The sad truth is that "problems, challenges, and obstacles are here to stay." As Chris Williamson noted, "Problems are a feature of life, not a bug." Having problems is an inextricable part of the human experience. So instead of seeking an end to the problems, find joy in solving them. By embracing this mindset, not only will our lives become more meaningful, but we will become more fulfilled and, hopefully, happier.
Think of it as "the journey" versus "the destination." The journey is the process of solving your problem, and the destination is the point where you finally solve it. By enjoying the journey rather than awaiting the destination, you can find meaning in the process. Once the journey ends, so does life. With this understanding, your story will change from "in pursuit of Happyness" to "The Happyness of Pursuit." Even though your problems are still there, you can have fun and enjoy the ride while trying to solve them.
#musing with Muhsin
Choosing to be happy even when the situation isn't in our favour. A great reminder that to find the joy in life no matter the situation because one day your life would come to an end. So choose to find the joy in mundane moments rather than living a life of sorrow.