Through the Fire; The Beauty of the struggle. - THE BUSINESS PACKAGE


Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Through the Fire; The Beauty of the struggle.

"In retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful."
— Sigmund Freud.

In the world we live in, pain, disappointment, and frustration are all inevitable. Solving problems seems to be the cost of doing business—the price we pay for living. It always seems like the perfect, "problem-free moment" doesn't exist. Life is just obstacle after obstacle, problem after problem, challenge after challenge. It never ends, and it never will.

But what if that's the problem? What if the problem isn't life itself but the way we view life? Consider this: a photographer sits on a beach at sunset, trying to take a beautiful picture. He tilts, he pans, he zooms in, he zooms out, but he doesn't like what he sees. Frustrated, he kicks the sand and falls to his knees, his camera lying in the sand. He looks at the camera and is amazed at the beautiful view on his screen. In that moment, it all makes sense—you cannot change the view, but you can change the angle to make the most of it.

Most of the time, we don't get to choose what happens to us. We can't decide what should or shouldn't happen, and that's just life. That is the reality we have been thrust into. Dread it, hate it, run from it—reality arrives all the same. That is the view we have been given on this journey called life, and no matter how hard we try, we cannot fight it. Our task, instead, is to find an angle that captures the beauty of the view.

See every obstacle as a step towards success. Every challenge as a chance to grow. Every problem as an opportunity to expand. If you only do what you can, you will never become more than what you are. To have what you've never had, you must do what you've never done. Just as pressure turns coal into diamonds, challenges polish boys and turn them into men.

That being said, you cannot have a strong character and an easy life; one is the price of the other. Most people want to be exceptionally successful without realizing that the brighter your light shines, the bigger your shadows become. If you want to become an exceptional person, then you must be prepared to go an exceptional route.

The framework that makes this easier is knowing that this is all part of the story you will one day tell. The bigger the dragon you have to slay, the more epic the story—consequently, the more epic the hero. Think about your favorite superheroes, the most famous kings, the greatest generals, and the wealthiest men. What made them special? It wasn't just their success stories. It’s not just about the wins without the failures. It’s about the wins in spite of the losses. It’s about the success despite the failures. It’s not about how many times you fall, but how many times you get up.

The beauty of the struggle is that, in retrospect, you will realize that the years of struggle—the moments of pain, the memories of agony—will eventually strike you as the most beautiful. For it is in the depths of the hottest fires that the greatest swords are made. It is in those moments that heroes are born.

In every second of our lives, we are continually writing our story, and it's up to us to decide what kind of story we intend to write. Embrace the struggles and become the epic hero you were born to be.


1 comment:

  1. The years of struggle are the most beautiful because they shape you into a better person. So be grateful for these moments because with hardship comes ease.
