Ogun FOMWAN Patron, Engineer Femi Omotayo unveils roadmaps towards repositioning the Association - THE BUSINESS PACKAGE


Sunday, March 15, 2020

Ogun FOMWAN Patron, Engineer Femi Omotayo unveils roadmaps towards repositioning the Association

Engineer Femi Abdul Ahmed Omotayo, an expert in the oil and gas industry who is  the Chairman of Ar- Rahman Zakat Foundation and the Chairman , Abdul Mojeed Omotayo Omo-Owo Islamic Center was on Sunday ,the 15th of March , 2020 decorated as the Patron of Federation of Muslim Women' s Association in Nigeria, Ogun State Chapter. In an interview with The Business Package shortly after his investiture, Engineer Omotayo reeled out some of the reform he hope to use his new position to bring to bear in Ogun State FOMWAN.
Excerpt : 

Q: How do you feel being decorated as FOMWAN Patron ? 

A:  I appreciate FOMWAN for finding me worthy of this position and I pray to God to assist and strengthen me , so that collectively we shall make positive impact on Islam , Ogun State, Nigeria as a whole.

Q: How do you want to assist Ogun FOMWAN upon this your investiture as Patron ? 

A: if you look at what FOMWAN has being doing... There are about five things. The Youth Camp, Women Empowerment , Islamic Education and the issue of Dawah among others. On the Youth Camp , the first thing is to know one another and to have a date base so that we can reach our youths both at the camp and out of the camp. The second thing is to work with the camp to make sure we formalise schorlarship. We want to expand the schorlarship process , but it must be on merit , so that the best children from all parts of our society have an opportunity of education. In terms of Islamic Education, it is on record that FOMWAN has four Modrasat ( Islamic Schools) across Ogun State. We are going to continue to support them to make sure that the structure and system that are out into Islamic education are proper. The first thing we are going to do is to form create a Board to oversee the affairs of the schools. The second thing is to have an approved syllabus. We will ensure standardisation in terms of the syllabus . Also, we are going to encourage the Modrasat to work together , so that they can have high quality of teaching in the Modrasat. Finally, it is our aim to institute a Joint Examination Board for Arabic and Islamic Study which we have found in other states,whereby students that pass through the Modrasat have an opportunity to proceed to higher formal education . So, our ideal is to help our children.  Also, for our women, we believe that if we help one another, we will go far. There is a saying that ,if you want to go fast, go alone,if you want to go far, go together. So, we are going to encourage collaboration across all the FOMWAN , especially in each of the local governments . What we are going to do is to encourage the creation of Cooperatives , whereby the women can work together and help each other by contributing and supporting each other and by investing together. We as a unit, are willing to support the funding of that and by the grace of God , we will achieve success.

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